January 11th Unite held a prayer retreat at the First Presbyterian Church in Hays the day before classes began. The idea was to start the semester off right by spending a good part of the day in prayer and meditation alone with God. Seven individuals attended the retreat (we want to thank First Presbyterian Church again for allowing us to use their facility).
The retreat started with some discussion and a group prayer. Then each individual separated with a list of 100 questions and their Bibles to spend time in consideration, reflection, and prayer with God. The questions were designed to challenge us and make us consider our relationships with God, others, and even with ourselves (how we treat our bodies, times, possessions, etc.).
After several more group and individual activities, we spent time discussing spiritual disciplines as a way to become aware of God’s presence, emphasizing that it is God—NOT the spiritual discipline—that transforms us. We then practiced several older Christian prayer meditations, scripture reading meditations (including Lectio Divina), journaling exercises, and reflection exercises (some alone, and some as a group).
I personally greatly benefited from the time with God, and I believe that the event achieved its purposes well for its first time. I don’t know everything that individuals spoke with God about, but I do know that a few individuals experienced very good things. Thank God for His providence and direction!