Hello everyone!
I apologize for the long silence and will do better about keeping this site up-to-date. We have been having live conversations with many of you and have continued to send out the newsletter (if you do not receive the newsletter and wish to, please email uniteeph4.1.16@gmail.com and with subject 'add to newsletter' and we will send you one), but I have not been updating this blog. Prayer support is absolutely key, so I will do a better job about keeping this current.
The remainder of the week still involves two more small groups, two game nights, and a number of meetings and conversations in preparation for our Mexico mission trip this summer and the 'Get Plugged In' event next semester. Please feel free to be in prayer for any of these and all of these. On a personal note, I have been fairly sick for over a month and am finally feeling largely better. Please keep me (Brandon) in your prayers, as well.
We have the go ahead to purchase the equipment to turn game night(s) into game night(s) with a coffeehouse (Common Grounds coffee house) this month, so please pray for discernment and that we follow God's lead on that as we search for an appropriate espresso machine.
Things have been going well in the community--many of our young ladies are getting together and supporting each other, and some of our young men are helping each other through some very difficult, personal struggles. God is growing each small group community well (both in strength and numbers), and several exciting new opportunities are on the horizon (if you don't get the newsletter, sign up to get some more details about that)...
Thank you again for your prayers and support!