Yesterday (1st day of the adventure) we ran into a few snags with the vehicle but we still managed to make it through! I will say this tho...I have never been in a vehicle before when the tread ripped off of a tire! That was so loud and a little scary for a moment because nobody knew what had happened til we pulled over! Thankfully we were able to (eventually) change the tire, in the heat, and got back on the road.
The adventure wasn't over! We finally made it to Valleybrook, Oklahoma (city WITHIN Oklahoma City) and spent a bit of time at Joe's Addiction coffeeshop ministry.....I think I'm in love with this place and the amazing things they do to help people get on their feet from rough circumstances! The people here love everyone that walks in and just share a genuine love of Christ with them without judgement. It's such a beautiful thing to me....this place is in the midst of such darkness and yet just shine's with the gorgeous and enthralling love of Christ. It is a place truly blessed by God.....
Today we spent some time in the food pantry cleaning up and organizing a lot of donations and things that had been stored for a long time....I think it was a blessing to them...but most of all it has been a blessing to US. It has been amazing to me how minor my problems seem when I step into a situation outside of myself and see what other people have gone through. It is a pleasure and a blessing to be a servant to them.
After shot below....
I am very excited to continue to journey to El Paso tomorrow and cross the border into Juarez!
~Dawn Rickerson
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