While Tuesday was a good chance to chill with the water war we had with the kids (photo above), Wednesday was truly refreshing. The week had been excellent but very long, and it felt as though everyone was tired. The Wednesday morning lessons went well, and we had a break from the usual when we went to paint one of the rooms in the school for the early afternoon.
That evening we were surprised by Adam and Becky who came over to visit us at the casita (little house) we stay in. Adam lives here at the home and helps with the kids and administration work. He has taken on a bigger role in the local congregation, as well. Becky is an El Paso student who has been visiting the home for the past three weeks. She may end up helping out here for a longer period of time in the near future.
Becky and Adam spent some time with us in worship; we had two guitars and a water jug that we used as a drum. It was a VERY relaxing time. (You can check out a video of part of it here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q8JlY9pg44Y). We enjoyed it so much that we decided to take the worship to the cancha for the evening with the kids instead of randomly playing whatever they want to in the evening (which is what we usually do).
This was one of the better moments in the trip for me, personally. I sat down and two of the little girls who I get along with especially well climbed into my lap to sing with me. One of them was on my left leg and one was on my right. Both of them pulled my arms around them, and the little one on my right put her tiny little hand in mine. It was a very sweet moment; I felt so very large and old compared to these tiny little precious girls in my lap. They were so happy to be there and so sincere in the easy way that they trusted me. I felt a burden to protect them because of how precious they are, and it made me realize that I definitely want to be a father one day.
After singing and having a very good time together, we hugged most of them good night and headed down to Adam's house. Adam had invited us to play games late into the night. We usually go to bed somewhat early to prepare for the next day, but everyone wanted to go, and I wanted to relax and have some fun, too (even if it cost a bit of energy early the next day).
We ended up having a great time chatting and playing on his Wii gaming console. For much of the evening we played a crazy dancing game that senses your movements and gives you a score. I think that many of you will find the videos of it quite funny, so I posted one here for your enjoyment: (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KAton0Bmy40&feature=mfu_in_order&list=UL).
After we finished dancing, we gave Adam a small gift and prayed over both him and Becky. I feel that this was also one of the more important moments in the trip. The work that both do here is absolutely critical, and I felt very much led to encourage and support them. Thank God for that opportunity. :) I went to bed pleasantly tired and slept VERY deeply. It was an excellent respite and a day that restored much needed energy. That brings us up to today, which I will likely post about later.
Thank you all for your prayers; please pray that as we begin our last interactions with the kids that God be very evident and that they would desire relationship with Him. I think that the lesson tomorrow has very strong potential--pray that God help us help them see Him through it and through our lives.... Thanks again for coming with us in spirit!
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