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Monday, May 24, 2010

Time in Ministry

Excerpt from Monday, May 17

"Today was an incredible day. After a good time praying, meditating, and reading scripture, I completed a lot of little tasks necessary for Unite. I rented a PO Box, set up some bank accounts, and sent out several emails.

After that, I was able to meet with a college guy for lunch, and we had an amazing conversation. It was one of those conversations I live for—the conversations that seem to be brought about at the exact perfect time. I was very thankful to be used in that situation and to get to know him better.

I met with another college guy for supper after completing a few more administrative tasks for Unite, and that conversation also lasted almost three hours. It was another very good conversation, and we were able to share a powerful prayer time afterwards. Then we got together with two other college men and took about an hour and a half to pray for others we knew and other situations that were on our hearts.

It was a day that started early in the morning and ended after midnight, but it was really the type of day I live for. I am excited to be doing the small administrative things that are necessary for the bigger vision of Unite, and I really love being able to be there for others at the right time. Coming together to pray as a group of college men was very encouraging, as well. It is exciting to be with others who have a passion for God and a love for others, and I was impressed that everyone was able to stay awake that late during long prayers."

The rest of my days last week were equally blessed. I had a few more excellent one-on-one meetings with college men and two good meetings with high school students I mentor. I also had a very good phone conversation with the regional director of New Tribes. He sent some materials in the mail that should help us much better design our college Bible Studies for the small groups—both the regular study and the international focused ones. He further offered to come out some time for a training session for our leadership. I had mentioned this as a possibility at my meeting with Community Connections and at my meeting with North Oak’s Outreach Ministry team.

My meeting with the director of Community Connections/the Center for Life Experience was very fruitful. We discussed their international ministry initiatives as well as the vision we have with Unite. We compared notes and are trying to figure out how to best work together. I also may swing by First Presbyterian’s discipleship team meeting to find out if some congregation members would be interested in joining our studies next semester at FHSU campus.

The North Oak Outreach Ministry team meeting was also productive. I will be seeking to meet with the leader for the adult equipping team to find out if any congregation members from North Oak have interest in joining our study groups on campus.

Our Sunday afternoon small group meeting moved out to Coffee Rules so that we can get used to meeting on or near campus for next year. Three students who don’t usually make it joined us, and we spent the time sharing about what’s been going on in each others’ lives spiritually and praying for each other. I am always thankful that God enables us to open up and share so deeply with each other and pray for each other. I firmly believe that the best community building times occur when we pray for 'whenever two or more gather in my name, I am there,' and the Holy Spirit can build bridges far better than we can. I am very excited for continued opportunities to grow together in God and pray for and encourage each other this Summer.

Thank you for reading this update, and please keep us all in your prayers!
