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Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Update July 14

You know those really awesome deeply impactful conversations you have with someone when you’re at the right place at the right time and it feels like God is there and it just REALLY touches the other person and you deeply?--those conversations that seem to happen at most a few times each year? I have been blessed with three such conversations in the past week, and I want to thank God for that. Also, I have finally gotten my first monthly supporter and a few one-time donations, so things aren’t as financially scary as they were before. It’s still tight, but God is showing already that He provides enough for the basics. Please pray that He continue to help me ‘seek ye first’ His kingdom…

Our work project in Chanute went extremely well. We were able to be a blessing and be blessed by a local music ministry. I felt like God was definitely at work even though I wasn’t entirely mentally there the entire trip. He gave me enough of what I needed to have at least one very awesome conversation about Him with a brother down there and one awesome conversation with a brother in Wichita. It was a truly great blessing. The others who went with me also seemed to have a good time with it. I was very thankful for their company and kindnesses on the trip. We’ll see if we can get some photos up.

Beyond that, prayer has been answered about our training session in August—we have invited several other area ministries who might send people to learn more about international student interactions, interpersonal communication, and how to share not just the story of Jesus but God’s story from a Biblical perspective. Trinity Lutheran Church has agreed to host the training, and Doug Schaible of New Tribes will likely be the primary speaker. We’ll be working up a brochure for that event. I’ve also met with a few more Churches (still quite a few to go) and have greater buy-in for both the community groups on and near campus and for the coffeehouse ministry/hangout in the United Methodist Student Center. Ultimately, God is doing some amazing things. Please pray that He keep all of us involved on track and energized in Him. I am so grateful for what He does and for answered prayers! He, and especially His love, are truly amazing beyond words.

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